Did God Kabir Appear in Tretayuga

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God Kabir appeared in Tretayuga as Rishi Muninder

In Tretayug the Self-existent (Swayambhu) Kavir Dev (God Kabir; also known as Kabir Das or Sant Kabir) by transforming His appearance had come by the name Muninder Rishi. 

Muninder Rishi Taking Nal and Neel in to refuge

Anal i.e. Nal and Aneel i.e. Neel both were maternal cousins. Their parents had passed away. Nal and Neel both were excessively suffering from physical and mental illness. They had pleaded to all the sages and saints for removal of their suffering. All the saints said that this is a punishment of your sinful deeds performed in an earlier birth; you will have to bear it. There is no solution to it. Both the friends, disappointed from their lives, were waiting for death.

One day they both got the opportunity to hear the spiritual discourse (satsang) of Supreme God who had appeared by the name Muninder. After the satsang as soon as both of them touched God Kabir alias Muninder Rishi Ji’s feet and Muninder Ji kept his hand on their heads, their incurable illness vanished. In other words, both Nal and Neel became healthy. Seeing this wondrous miracle, falling at God’s feet, they kept crying for hours, and said, “Today, we have found the God whom we were searching.”, and impressed by that took naam (initiation) from him, and started living with Muninder Ji in his service.

Muninder Ji blessed Nal & Neel that nothing will drown from your hands

In earlier times, the assembly (samagam) of saints used to be held on the bank of a river considering the arrangement of water. Nal and Neel, both were Godloving and innocent souls. They had a lot of devotion to God. They used to serve a lot. In the assemblies when ill, old and handicapped devotees used to come, then they used to wash their clothes and dishes. They used to wash their pots and glasses. But they were of an innocent mind. While washing clothes, they used to start discussing whatever tale of God they heard in the satsang. They used to become engrossed in discussion of God and things used to drown in the river water. They did not even use to realize it. Out of four items taken, they used to bring back two. Devotees used to say, “Brothers, although you do a lot of service, but also create a lot of problem for us. Now from where should we bring these lost items? You better stop serving us. We will serve us ourselves.” Then Nal and Neel used to start crying that do not take our service away. We will not lose them this time. But used to do the same thing again. Again used to engage in the discussion of God and things used to drown in the river water. The devotees finally requested Muninder Ji that please advise Nal and Neel. They do not listen to us, and if we forbid them, then they start crying. They do not even bring half of our belongings back. They become engrossed in the discussion of the talks of God heard in the satsang and things drown in the river water. Muninder Ji counselled them once or twice. They used to start crying that Sahib, do not take this service of ours away from us. Satguru Muninder Ji Said, “Son Nal and Neel, do a lot of service. From today onwards nothing will drown from your hands, be it a stone or a metal.” Muninder Ji gave them this blessing.

In Ramayana how was the bridge to Sri Lanka built?

Have you heard Ramayan? Once upon a time, Ravan abducted Sita Ji. Shri Ram did not even know who abducted Sita Ji. Shri Ramchandra Ji searches here and there. Hanuman Ji found out that Mother Sita is in Sri Lanka’s demon king Ravan’s captivity. On knowing this, Shri Ram sent a peace envoy to Ravan and requested Ravan to return Sita Ji. But Ravan did not agree. Preparations for the battle were done. Then the problem arose that how should the army cross the ocean?

Shri Ramchandra, standing in knee-deep water for three days, with folded hands requested the ocean to give way. But the ocean did not move a slightest bit. The ocean did not listen to him. Then Shri Ram tried to burn it with a fire arrow (Agni baan). Frightened ocean appeared in the form of a Brahmin and said, “Bhagwan (lord), everyone has its own limitations. Do not burn me. Who knows how many living creatures live in me. Even if you will burn me, you will not be able to cross me because a very deep crater will be formed here which you can never cross.”

The ocean said, “Lord, do something so that snake also dies and stick also does not break. My bounds are maintained and your bridge is also formed.” Then Shri Ram asked the ocean that what is that way? The ocean in Brahmin-form said that there are two soldiers named Nal and Neel in your army. They have such a power from their Gurudev that even stones stay afloat from their hands. Everything, be it iron, floats. Shri Ramchandra called Nal and Neel, and asked them if they had any such power. Nal and Neel replied, “Yes, even stones will not drown from our hands.” Shri Ram said, “Demonstrate it.”

Those fools (Nal and Neel) thought that today they will earn a lot of praise in front of everyone. That day they did not remember their Gurudev Shri Muninder (God Kabir) Ji thinking this that if we will remember him then Shri Ram might think that we do not have any power and we have asked for it from somewhere else. They took a stone and dropped it in water and it drowned. Nal and Neel tried a lot but the stones did not float. At that time, Shri Ram looked at the ocean as if was trying to say that you were lying. They do not have any power. The ocean said, “Nal-Neel, you did not remember your Gurudev today. Fools, remember your Gurudev.” They both realised that they have committed a mistake today. They remembered Satguru Muninder Ji. Satguru Muninder (God Kabir) Ji reached there. Shri Ramchandra Ji said that oh Rishiwar! It is my misfortune that the stones are not floating from your disciples’ hands. Muninder Ji said that now they will not float anymore from their hands because thay have become proud. Satguru Ji’s speech proves that —

गरीब, जैसे माता गर्भ को, राखे जतन बनाय।
ठेस लगे तो क्षीण होवे, तेरी ऐसे भक्ति जाय।

From that day onwards, Nal and Neel’s that power ended. Shri Ramchandra Ji said to Parmeshwar Muninder Ji that oh Rishiwar! I am in lot of trouble. Show mercy, so that somehow the army gets across to the other end. When you can give power to your servants then God, have some mercy on me too. Muninder Ji said that this mountain which you see in front of you, I have drawn a line around it. Bring the stones which lie within it; they will not drown. Shri Ram asked for a stone to be brought for demonstration. When the stone was kept on water, it started floating. Nal and Neel were also sculptors. Hanuman Ji used to remember God everyday. He also kept performing his daily act by writing Ram-Ram on the rocks and also brought rocks from the mountain, one after another. Nal-Neel used to fix them in the bridge by sculpting them. In this way the bridge was built. Dharmdas Ji says —

रहे नल नील जतन कर हार, तब सतगुरू से करी पुकार।
जा सत रेखा लिखी अपार, सिन्धु पर शिला तिराने वाले।
धन–धन सतगुरु सत कबीर, भक्त की पीर मिटाने वाले।

Some used to say that Hanuman Ji had written Ram’s name on the stones and that is why the stones floated. Some used to say that Nal-Neel made the bridge. Some used to say that Shri Ram made the bridge. But this true story is as is depicted above to you.

(Sat Kabir’s Saakhi – page no 179 – 182) (Peev Pichhan Ko Ang)

कबीर–तीन देव को सब कोई ध्यावै, चौथे देव का मरम न पावै।
चौथा छाड़ पंचम को ध्यावै, कहै कबीर सो हम पर आवै।।3।।
कबीर–ओंकार निश्चय भया, यह कर्ता मत जान।
साचा शब्द कबीर का, परदे मांही पहचान।।5।।
कबीर–राम कृष्ण अवतार हैं, इनका नांही संसार।
जिन साहेब संसार किया, सो किन्हूं न जन्म्या नार।।17।।
कबीर – चार भुजा के भजन में, भूलि परे सब संत।
कबिरा सुमिरो तासु को, जाके भुजा अनंत।।23।।
कबीर – समुद्र पाट लंका गये, सीता को भरतार।
ताहि अगस्त मुनि पीय गयो, इनमें को करतार।।26।।
कबीर –गिरवर धारयो कृष्ण जी, द्रोणागिरि हनुमंत।
शेष नाग सब सृष्टि सहारी, इनमें को भगवंत।।27।।
कबीर –काटे बंधन विपति में, कठिन किया संग्राम।
चिन्हों रे नर प्राणियां, गरुड बड़ो की राम।।28।।
कबीर –कह कबीर चित चेतहंू, शब्द करौ निरूवार।
श्रीरामहि कर्ता कहत हैं, भूलि परयो संसार।।29।।
कबीर –जिन राम कृष्ण व निरंजन कियो, सो तो करता न्यार।
अंधा ज्ञान न बूझई, कहै कबीर विचार।।30।।

Muninder Ji's visit to Sri Lanka

Parmeshwar Muninder after taking Anal i.e. Nal and Aneel i.e. Neel in refuge went to Sri Lanka. A sixteen-member pious family of a supreme devotee Chandravijay Ji used to live there. They were virtuous beings born in the Bhaat caste. After listening to the spiritual discourse of Parmeshwar Muninder (KavirDev / God Kabir) Ji, the whole family took naam-daan. The supreme devotee Chandravijay Ji’s wife Bhaktmati Karmvati used to serve King Ravan’s queen Mandodri. She used to entertain queen Mandodri by telling humorous good and bad jokes. Bhakt Chandravijay used to work (serve) in the court of Ravan. He used to please the king by singing the songs of praise.

Mandodri (Ravan's wife) & Vibhishan obtain naam from Muninder Ji

Bhakt Chandravijay’s wife Bhaktmai Karmvati, after obtaining spiritual instruction (updesh) from Muninder ji started narrating the discussion of God, the story of nature’s creation which she had heard from her Satgurudev Muninder Ji, daily to queen Mandodri. Queen Mandodri started relishing a lot. Bhaktmati Karmvati used to keep on narrating the true tale of God for several hours and tears used to trickle from Mandodri’s eyes. One day Queen Mandodri asked Karmvati, “From whom did you hear this knowledge? You used to speak nonsense. This much transformation can not take place without a God-like Saint.” Then Karmvati told that we have recently taken updesh from a Supreme Saint. Queen Mandodri expressing the desire to meet the saint said, “This time when your Guru Ji comes, then bring him here.” On getting the order of her mistress, bowing her head respectfully, Karmvati said, “Whatever your order, your maid will obey it but I have a request. It is said that one should not call a saint by order. It is auspicious for one to go personally and attain audience; otherwise, whatever is your order, will be obeyed.” Queen Mandodri said, “This time when your Gurudev Ji comes, then let me know. I will personally visit him.” Parmeshwar Muninder ji then again showed grace in Sri Lanka. Queen Mandodri obtained updesh. After sometime she got her dear brother-inlaw Vibhishan Ji obtain updesh. Mandodri after taking updesh started remaining engrossed in the sumiran of God day and night. She also requested her husband Ravan many times to obtain updesh from Satguru Muninder Ji, but Ravan did not agree and used to say, “I have done bhakti of supreme power, Mrityunjay (one who has won over death) Shiv Ji. There is no power equivalent to him. Somebody has misled you.”

After sometime only, abducting the banished Shri Sita Ji, Ravan captivated her in his Nau lakha garden. Even on Bhakmati Mandodri’s repeated requests, Ravan did not agree to return Mata Sita Ji. Then Bhaktmati Mandodri Ji said to her Gurudev Muninder Ji, “Maharaj Ji, my husband has abducted another woman. I am unable to tolerate this. He is not agreeing to return her at any cost. You have mercy, my Lord. Todate, I had not seen such a grief in my life.”

Parmeshwar Muninder Ji said, “Daughter Mandodri, this woman is not an ordinary woman. Shri Vishnu Ji had to come to earth because of a curse. He is Ramchandra, the son of King Dashrath. He is the resident of Ayodhya. He has been exiled for fourteen years and Lakshmi Ji herself in the form of Sita as his wife was in exile. Ravan has abducted her deceitfully by disguising as a sage. Lakshmi Ji is herself this Sita Ji. It is in Ravan’s benefit if he, returning her immediately, asks for forgiveness and begs for his life.”

Even on Bhaktmati Mandodri’s numerous repeated requests, Ravan did not agree and said, “Those two jokers wandering in the forest, what harm they can do to me. I have infinite army. I have one lakh sons and a lakh and a quarter relatives. My son Meghnaath by defeating Indra, the king of heaven, has married his daughter. We have captured thirty-three crore gods. You want to scare me by telling those two homeless wanderers living in the forest as Gods. I will not return this woman.”

Mandodri explained the knowledge of the path of bhakti heard from her venerable Gurudev to Ravan a lot. Vibhishan also advised his elder brother. Ravan beat his brother Vibhishan and said, “You are taking Shri Ramchandra’s side a lot; go to him.”

Muninder Ji's conversation with Ravan

One day bhaktmati Mandodri requested her venerable Gurudev, “Oh Gurudev, my wifehood is under threat. Please you also advise my husband once. If he will not listen to you, then I will not regret becoming a widow.”

Parmeshwar (the Supreme God), who had appeared by the name Muninder, accepting the request of his daughter Mandodri, standing in front of King Ravan’s court, requested the gatekeepers to allow him to meet King Ravan. The gatekeepers said, “Rishi Ji, our king is holding a court at the moment. At the moment, the message from inside can come out, but the message from outside can not go in. we are helpless.” Then Muninder Ji disappeared and appeared in the court of King Ravan. When Ravan saw Rishi Ji, he asked in a roaring voice, “Who has allowed this Rishi to come in without my order. Bring and kill him in front of me.” Then Parmeshwar Muninder said, “King, your gatekeepers had clearly refused me. They do not know how I came inside.” Ravan asked, “How did you come in?” Then Supreme God in Muninder form disappeared and appeared again and said, “This is how I came in.” Ravan asked, “Tell me the reason for coming.” Then God said, “You, being a warrior, have abducted a woman. This is against your majesty and valiance. This is not an ordinary woman. She is herself the incarnation of Lakshmi. Shri Ramchandra Ji, who is her husband, is himself Vishnu. Returning her beg for your life. Your benefit lies in this only.” On hearing this, the worshipper of Tamogun (God Shiv) Ravan roaring in anger jumped from his throne with a naked sword in his hand and blindly served seventy blows with his sword on Muninder Ji with an aim to kill him. Parmeshwar Muninder Ji was holding a slender stalk of a broom in his hand; He moved it forward as a shield. Ravan’s seventy blows struck that delicate stalk. It sounded as if the sword was striking against an iron pillar. The stalk did not move even slightly. Ravan started sweating due to exhaustion. Even then out of his arrogance he did not agree. He, however, realised that this is not an ordinary Rishi. Ravan said that I am not going to listen to any of your talks; you may go. Parmeshwar (Muninder Ji) disappeared from there, went to Mandodri and narrated the whole account to her. Queen Mandodri said, “Gurudev, now I will not have any problem becoming a widow.” Muninder Ji departed from there.

Shri Ramchandra and Ravan fought a battle against each other. Ravan was killed. The kingdom of Lanka which Ravan had obtained by doing tough sadhna of Tamogun God Shiv by sacrificing his head ten times, that transient happiness also went away and he went to hell. On the contrary, Vibhishan, the worshipper of Satnaam of Supreme God, even without doing tough sadhna, by the grace of God got the kingdom of Lanka. For thousands of years Vibhishan enjoyed the pleasure of the kingdom of Lanka and by the grace of God, there was complete peace in the kingdom. All the people of demoniac nature had died. Bhaktmati Mandodri, Bhakt Vibhishan, all the sixteen members of the family of the supreme devotee Chandravijay Ji and others who, after taking updesh from Muninder ji, did true bhakti according to the rules throughout their lives, all those worshippers remained happy here on Earth as well as in the end, sitting in Parmeshwar’s aircraft, went to Satlok (Shaashvatam Sthanm). That is why in Holy Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 12 to 15, it is stated that those whose knowledge has been stolen by the transitory comforts obtained from the sadhna of the three gunas (Rajgun- Brahma Ji, Satgun-Vishnu Ji and Tamgun-Shiv Ji), those men with demoniac nature, the lowest among men, the evil-doers, fools, do not worship me (Kaal / Brahm).

Then, in Gita Adhyay 7 Mantra 18, God (Kaal / Brahm), the narrator of Gita, is saying that rarely a noble soul does only my (Brahm) sadhna because he did not find a Tattavdarshi Saint. Those noble souls also remained dependent on the state of my (Anuttamam) very bad (Gatim) salvation. They are also not completely liberated. Therefore in Holy Gita Adhyay 18 Shlok 62 has said that oh Arjun, you may go in the refuge of that Parmeshwar (Purna Parmatma – Tat Brahm) in every respect. By only His grace, you will attain supreme peace and Satlok i.e. the Sanatan Param Dhaam (Eternal Supreme Abode).

Therefore it is a request to the pious souls that today this servant of the servants (Sant Rampal Das) has the true method of attaining Purna Parmatma. Take advantage by taking free-of-cost updesh.

Ramayana - Hanuman Ji returning from Sri Lanka after meeting Sita Ji

In Tretayug, when Ravan abducted Sita ji, after that her search started. Hanuman ji found about her whereabouts that she was in Ravan’s captivity. Sita gave a bracelet to Hanuman saying that show this to Shri Ram. When Hanuman was returning from Lanka after finding Sita, he flew over the ocean and landed on a mountain. There was a beautiful fresh water lake nearby. It was early morning. The bracelet which Sita ji had given to Hanuman, keeping it on a stone, Hanuman ji started bathing. At that very moment, a monkey came and picking up that bracelet ran away. Hanuman ji was keeping an eye on that bracelet just as a snake keeps gaze on a gem. Hanuman ji ran after the monkey. The monkey ran into an ashram and put that bracelet into a pitcher. It was a very big pitcher. When Hanuman ji looked into it, he saw that that pitcher was nearly full with numerous such bracelets. When Hanuman ji picked up a bracelet, he saw that all the bracelet were similar to each other. It was difficult to tell the difference. He got confused.

Hanuman Ji's Meeting with Muninder Rishi (God Kabir)

He saw a great man (Sage) sitting ahead in the ashram. Hanuman ji went to him and prayed, "Oh Great Sage! I had gone in the search of Mother Sita and have found her. Mother had given me a bracelet. I kept it aside and started having bath. A monkey made a mischief and picking it up put it in this pitcher." That sage was Kabir Sahib who had come by the name Muninder at that time. Muninder Sahib said, "Come devotee. Have milk. Take a seat and have rest." Hanuman ji said, “What milk? My entire hard work has gone in vain. All the bracelets in this pitcher are appearing to be same. I am unable to identify which one is that bracelet?” Muninder ji said, “You cannot identify it. Had you been able to identify, then you wouldn’t have become miserable in this Kaal’s world. You wouldn’t have faced these troubles.”

Muninder (Kabir Sahib) ji said, “Hanuman ji, which Ram are you talking about? Which Sita? Tell me this first.” Hanuman ji said, “You are saying strange things. There is only one discussion going on in the entire forest and the world. And you don’t even know? Lord Ramchandra ji has taken birth in King Dashrath’s house. His wife has been abducted by Ravan. Do you not know this?” Muninder ji says, “Which number Ram should I know about?” Hanuman ji says, “Does even Ram have a number?” Muninder Sahib says, “There have been 300 million such Dashrath’s sons Ramchandra, and all these are in birth and death. He is not Supreme God. He is only the lord of three worlds. Even his worshippers are not liberated. Hanuman ji, believe it to be true.” Hanuman ji feels very bad that this Mahatma is saying very weird things. Hanuman ji said, “Has this Shri Ramchandra ji come 300 million times?” Muninder (Kabir) ji said, “Yes, son. When this Shri Ram after completing his life will die, then new souls take birth like this and keep coming. Likewise, God knows how many Hanumans have come just like you. This Brahm (Kaal God) has made this film. Actors keep coming in it. And this pitcher is giving its proof. Whatever numbers of bracelets you see in it are because Hanumans like you come and that monkey keeps putting the bracelet in this pitcher. By my grace, there is a power in this pitcher that whatever object is put in it, it creates a clone of it. It creates a similar bracelet in it. You may take one bracelet from it and show it to your Ram. It will be as it is.” Then he said, “Hanuman ji, do true bhakti (worship). This way of worship of yours is not complete. It will not let you become free from Kaal’s web.” Hanuman ji said, “At the moment, I don’t have enough time to hold a discussion with you, but I don’t like what you are saying.” He took one bracelet and went away.

God Kabir (Muninder Rishi) gave Hanuman Ji Initiation

Lord Ramchandra killed Ravan and brought Sita back. After a few days, Hanuman ji abandoning Ayodhya was worshipping on a mountain. This same Kind Supreme God came to his dear soul and said, “Ram-Ram Bhagat ji.” Hanuman ji looked at the sage. Then Hanuman ji said, “It seems to me as if I have seen you somewhere.” Muninder Sahib said, “Yes, Hanuman. The first time you saw me when you were returning after finding Sita and a monkey had put the bracelet in a pitcher, and the second time you had seen me when Shri Ramchandra ji’s bridge was not being built on the ocean. At that time, I had got the bridge built by my grace. I am that same Sage Muninder.”

Hanuman ji recalled. He said, “Come Sage. Take a seat”, because Hanuman ji was a very God-Loving and hospitable great man. He said, “Now I have recognised you.” Muninder ji again requests him that – “Hanuman ji, your way of worship is not complete. It will not let you become liberated. All this is Kaal’s web.” He narrated the entire Creation of Nature. Hanuman ji became very impressed. Even then he said, “I cannot accept any God beyond Ramchandra ji. To date, we have only heard that he is Vishnu ji, the lord of the three worlds, and Ramchandra ji is his incarnated form. I can only believe in your Satlok if I see it with my own eyes.

Kabir Sahib gave divine vision to Hanuman ji, and Himself flew in the sky and reached Satlok. He showed the entire view of Satlok to Hanuman who was sitting on earth. Besides, He showed the places of the gods of the three worlds, and showed this Kaal where he eats one lakh (one hundred thousand) living beings daily. Kaal is also known as Brahm, Kshar Purush and Jyoti Swaroopi Niranjan. Then Hanuman ji said, “Lord, come down. Forgive me. This servant might have misbehaved with you as well. Take this servant in your refuge.” Muninder ji (Kabir Sahib) gave first naam (initiation/mantra) to Hanuman ji, then gave Satyanaam and made him worthy of attaining salvation.