Garud Bodh

God Kabir » Kabir Sagar » Garud Bodh

Once God Kabir met with Garud

Garud Bodh

In Kabir Sagar, 11th Chapter is Garud Bodh. It describes conversation between God Kabir and Garud. God Kabir explains to Dharamdas (his disciple) about how Garud took initiation. The conversation is described below. 

Supreme God Kabir told Dharmdas ji that – I gave initiation to Vishnu Ji’s conveyance, the king of birds, Garud. I narrated the creation of nature to him. Garud was amazed to listen to the story of Amarlok and the magnificence of Satyapurush. He did not believe his ears. He was thinking inside that – What am I hearing this today? I might be seeing a dream. Have I gone to some other place? The place and the God that I have heard about are moving before my eyes like a movie.

When Garud was lost in these thoughts, I said, “O King of birds! Do you consider my statements to be false? You have become quiet. Ask questions; if you have any doubt then get it dispelled. If you have been hurt by my statements, then forgive me.”

On listening to these words of mine, Khagesh’s (king of birds) eyes filled with tears, and he said, “O god! Who are you? What is your motive? You have told such a bitter truth that it is difficult to digest it. If what you have said, that there is an Immortal God in the Amarlok, is true then we have been kept in the dark. If this is false, then you deserve criticism; you are an offender. If it true, then Garud is your special servant.”

Supreme God Kabir told Dharmdas that – I said, “O Garud Dev! It is natural to have the doubt that you have had, but you have practiced self-restraint. This is your greatness. But the information about the Immortal God and the Satyalok that I am giving you is absolutely true. My name is Kabir. I am the resident of that same Amar Lok (Eternal Place). Kaal Brahm has misled you. Even Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv ji do not have this knowledge. Please think, Garud ji! A living being is born. He starts living happily. His family expands. In the maintainence of the family, while practising the worldly traditions, he becomes old. The family, on seeing which he used to consider himself to be blessed, abandoning the same family, he has to helplessly depart from the world. He himself is crying and counting his last breaths. The family is also distressed. What custom is this? Is this right?”

Garud Dev said, “O Kabir Dev! This is the rule of the world. If someone has taken birth, then he/she will die too.”

Supreme God said, “Does anybody want to die? Does anybody like old age?”

Garud replied, “No.”

Supreme God Kabir said, “If there is no old age and no death, then what it would feel like?”

Garud said, “What is there to say? If this happens, it would be blissful, but this is like a dream.”

O Dharmdas! I said – “What do you think of Vedas and Purans? Are they true or false?”

Garud said, “Absolutely true.”

In Devi Puran’s Third Skand, Vishnu ji himself said, “O Mother! You are a pure form. This entire world is arising from you alone. I, Brahma and Shankar are existing by your grace. We take birth (aavirbhaav) and die (tirobhaav).

On hearing such cogent evidence from the lotus-mouth of Supreme God Kabir, Garud fell at his feet. He appreciated his good fortune and said, “A god who knows about the creation of nature, and the origin of Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh, Goddess Durga and Niranjan, he alone is the Creator Supreme God. Till date no one has given this knowledge. If any person had known about it, even if he was a sage or a great sage, then he would have definitely told this story. I have listened to sermons of eminent Mandleshwars. Nobody has this knowledge. They do not even have knowledge about the Vedas and the Gita. You are hiding yourself. I have recognised you. Please take me in your refuge, Supreme God!

Supreme God Kabir said to Garud, “You may first take permission from your master, Shri Vishnu ji, by saying to him that – I want to get my welfare done. I have met a great saint. I have listened to his knowledge. If you allow me, then I will get my welfare done. I am your servant; you are my master. We have to stay together all the time. If I will take initiation in secret, you will feel sad.”

Garud did the same. He told everything to Vishnu ji. Shri Vishnu ji said, “I will not forbid you. You are free. You did the right thing by telling me the truth. I have no problems.”

O Dharmdas! I gave the first initiation-mantra of five naams (mantras of sadhna of every god for opening the lotus-chakras) to Garud.

Garud Dev said, “O Gurudev! These mantras are of these gods only! This is not the mantra of the Immortal God.”

Supreme God Kabir Ji said, “These mantras are not for their worship. These are the key to escape from the trap of these gods by turning them into one’s favour. These are mantras to mesmerise them. Like to attract a bull, if he is called bull-bull, then he does not even look at the person calling him. When his mesmerising name is called, ‘hurr-hurr’, then he immediately becomes active. He comes running towards the person calling him. The person who calls him makes him copulate with his buffalo to make her pregnant. Likewise, if you will keep reciting some other mantra of Shri Vishnu ji, he does not heed. When you will recite this mantra, god Vishnu will immediately become impressed and help the worshipper. These gods are the chief gods of the three loks/worlds (Earth, Heaven and Netherworld). They can only give whatever is written in one’s destiny. By the recitation of this mantra, an enormous wealth of our good deeds and bhakti is accumulated. In its return, these gods help the worshipper. In this way, the difference between their sadhna and worship should be understood. Like if we have to eat mango, then first of all we will do some work or job; on earning some money, we will get to eat the mango. The job is not worship. At that time, our venerable object is mango. The effort made for the attainment of the venerable object is the job. Similarly, Supreme God Kabir Ji and the Amar Lok are venerable to us. For that, we do job of, religious practice of Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu, Shri Shiv, Shri Ganesh and Shri Durga Ji, but we worship the Supreme God.” Garud ji became very pleased

Garud's Meeting with Brahma

Garud met Shri Brahma ji to discuss about this nectar-knowledge. He told him that – You (Brahma), Vishnu and Shiv are mortal. You are not the Complete Creator God. You can only give what is written in one’s destiny. You cannot increase one’s age. You cannot increase or decrease anyone’s deeds. Complete God is someone else. He lives in Amar Lok (Eternal Place). He destroys one’s sins. He averts death. He increases one’s age. The evidence is also given in the Vedas.

  • It is stated in Rigved Mandal 10 Sukt 161 Mantra 2 that if a sick person’s illness has worsened and he has died, then also I will bring that devotee back from the god of death. I will grant him a new life. I will grant him his full age to live.
  • It has been stated in Rigved Mandal 10 Sukt 161 Mantra 5 that – O reborn living being!  Continue to do my bhakti. Even if you will lose your eyesight, I will make your eyes healthy. I will meet you too, that is, you will attain me as well.

Brahma ji knows the Ved mantras by heart. He immediately understood, but based on the folklore in the world, Brahma ji was considering himself to be the Prajapita, that is, the creator of all. It is a different thing to learn the Vedas by heart. Understanding the Ved mantras requires special knowledge. Out of pride, Brahma ji said that except me nobody has the knowledge of the Vedas in the world. These mantras have been misinterpreted.

Supreme God Kabir has said about such people that: -

Kabir, jaan boojh saachi tajae, karae jhooth se neh |
Taaki sangat he Prabhu, swapan mein bhi na dey ||

On hearing Garud’s statements, Brahma ji became furious and said, “You have an intellect of a bird. Whatever someone says to you, you believe that person.  Do you not have a mind of your own?”

At that very moment, Brahma ji called Vishnu, Mahesh, Indra and all the gods and sages. An assembly was held. Brahma ji told them the reason behind calling them that – “Garud is saying a new thing today that Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh are mortal. The Complete God is someone else. He lives in Amar Lok (Eternal Place). You are not the creator.”

On hearing this, Shri Vishnu ji and Shri Shiv ji became infuriated and started taunting Garud like Brahma. Then all of them conjointly decided that – ‘Let us find out the truth from the Mother (Durga).’

All of them went to the Mother. They asked the same question that – ‘Is there any Complete God other than us (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv)? Are we mortal?’ Mother gave a befitting reply that – ‘Since when did you develop this misconception that you are immortal and the creator of the world. If that is the case, then you are my creator (father) too; whereas, you have taken birth from my womb. In reality, Supreme God is someone else. He alone is immortal. He is the Creator of all.’

On hearing this, the meeting was dissolved; everyone went away. But Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh were finding it hard to swallow this truth. They called Garud. Garud came and bowed before them. On getting an order, he sat down. The three gods said, “O King of birds! How will you believe that we are the creator of the world? You can take whatever test you want.”

Garud stood up, flew from there and came to me (to God Kabir) and described the entire account. Then I said, “There is a twelve years old boy of a Brahmin in Bang country (currently Bangladesh). His life is about to end. He is only going to last a few days. To take that boy into my refuge, I told him the state of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv that I told you, Garud. That boy argued a lot and did not accept my knowledge. Then I said to the boy that – ‘Only three days of your life are left. If your Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are All-Capable, then ask them to save you.’ On saying this, I disappeared. The boy is anxious. Take that boy to the gods. They will not be able to do anything. Then you may talk to me through meditation. I will tell you, what has to be done next.”

Garud ji took that boy to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv. Garud advised the boy that - Tell these gods that – “I am your devotee. My great grandfather, grandfather, father and I have always worshipped you. Only two days of my life are left. I am already very young. Please increase my age.” The boy made the same request. The three gods tried but all in vain. Then they thought that – ‘Let us go to Dharmraj (Justice). He has everyone’s account. We will ask him to increase his life.’

On thinking this, all of them went to Dharmraj. The three gods said to him, “First, tell us for how long this Brahmin boy is going to live?” Dharmraj looked into the register and said, “He will die tomorrow.” The three gods said, “Increase the age of this boy.” Dharmraj said, “This is impossible.” The three gods said, “We do not come to you very often. It is a question of our pride today. Now that we have come, at least keep our dignity.” Dharmraj said, “His age cannot be increased or decreased even by a second. If you give your age to him, then I can increase it.” On hearing this, the three gods turned pale. At that time they said, “Only the Almight God can do this.” They immediately departed from there, and said to Garud, “If there is some other Almighty God, then show us by getting his age incremented.”

Garud contacted Kabir Ji through meditation (via telepathy). Supreme God Kabir told him through meditation that – ‘Bring water from Mansarover for him. You will meet a devotee named Shravan there. I have explained everything to him. You may bring the nectar.’ Garud ji obeyed the order. He brought the nectar and fed it to the boy. I went to that boy. Garud had explained him everything that – ‘The nectar is just an excuse. This is God himself. He had given the water by blessing it with a mantra. Boy, take initiation from him. This nectar will only keep you alive for ten days.’ The boy took initiation from me. When the boy did not die for 15 days, Garud told this to the three gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv that, that boy is alive. He has taken initiation from my Guru ji. My Guru ji has blessed him to live upto his full age. Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh again went to Dharmraj. Garud also accompanied them. The three gods asked Dharmraj, “How is that boy still alive? He should have died.” When Dharmraj looked at his account, his age had been increased. Dharmraj said, “This is done from somewhere above. This happens very rarely. Who can understand the divine act of that Supreme God? The three gods were astonished, but due to their pride and superiority, they did not accept the truth even after seeing with their own eyes. They did not give up their ego. Garud developed firm faith.

Kabir, raaj tajna sahaj hai, sahaj triya ka neh |
Maan badaayi irshya, durlabh tajna yeh ||

At the end of this Garud Bodh (in Kabir Sagar), an incorrect account of Vasuki Naag Girl has been written. In this, Garud has been portrayed in a Guru’s role. This is not the case. Everything was done by Supreme God Kabir.

Garud Bodh - Verses in Kabir Sagar (Romanised Hindi)

Dharmdas’ Statement

Dharmdas binti karae, sunahu jagat aadhaar |
Garud bodh bhed sab, ab kaho tatv vichaar ||

Satguru’s Statement (Kabir’s Statement)

Pratham Garud son bhaent jab bhayau | Sat Sahab maen bol sunaau ||
Dharmdas suno kahu bujhaayi | jehi vidhi Garud ko samjhaayi ||

Garud’s Statement

Suna bachan Sat Sahab jabahi | Garud pranaam kiya tabahi ||
Sheesh nivaay tin poochha chaahye | ho tum kaun kahan se aaye ||

Gyani’s (Kabir) Statement

Kaha Kabir hai naam hamara | tatvgyan dene aaye sansara ||
Satyalok se ham chali aaye | jeev chhudaavan jag mein praktaay ||

Garud’s Statement

Sunat bachan achambho mana | Satya Purush hai kaun bhagwana ||
Pratyakshdev Shri Vishnu kahaavae | dash autaar dhari dhari jaave ||

Gyani’s (Kabir) Statement

Tab ham kahya suno Garud sujana | Param Purush hai Purush Purana || (Primordial)
Vah kabahu na marta bhaai | vah garbh se deh dharta naahin ||
Koti marey Vishnu bhagvana | kya Garud tum nahin jana ||
Jaka gyan bed batlaavaen | Ved gyan koyi samajh na paavaen ||
Jisne keenha sakal bistara | Brahma, Vishnu, Mahadev ka sirjanhara ||
Juni sankat vah nahin aave | vah to Saheb akshay kahaave ||

Garud’s Statement

Ram roop dhari Vishnu aya | jin Lanka ka mara raya ||
Purna Brahm hai Vishnu avinaashi | hai Bandi Chhod sab sukh raashi ||
Tetees koti devtan ki band chhudaayi | Purna Prabhu hain Ram Rai ||

Gyani’s (Kabir) Statement

Tum Garud kaise kaho avinaashi | Satya Purush bin katae na Kaal ki faansi ||
Ja din Lank mein kari chadaayi | naag faans mein bandhey Raghurai ||
Sena sahit Ram bandhaayi | tab tum naag ja maarey bhaai ||
Tab tere Vishnu bandhan se chhutey | yaaku poojae bhaag jaakae foote ||
Kabir aisi maya atpati, sab ghat aan adi |
Kis-kis kun samjhaayun, kooae bhang padi ||

Garud’s Statement

Gyani garud hai das tumhara | tum bin nahin jeev nistara ||
Itna kah Garud charan liptaya | sharan levon avigat raya ||
Kabahu naa chhodun tumhara sharna | Tum Sahab ho taaran tarna ||
Patthar buddhi par padey hai Gyani | ho tum Purna Brahm liya ham jaani ||

Gyani’s (Kabir) Statement

Tab ham Garud kun paanch naam sunaya | tab vaakun sanshay aaya ||
Yeh to pooja devtan ki data | ya se kaise moksh vidhata ||
Tumto kaho doosra avinaashi | va se katey Kaal ki faansi ||
Naib se kaise Saheb darhi | kaise main bhavsagar tirahi ||

Gyani’s (Kabir) Statement

Sadhna ko pooja man jaano | sadhna koo majdoori maano ||
Jo kou aamr fal khaano chaahae | pehle bahutey mehnat karaave ||
Dhan hovae fal aamr khaavae | aamr fal Isht kahaave ||
Pooja Isht Pujya ki kahiye | aise mehnat sadhna lahiye ||
Yeh sun Garud bhayo aananda | sanshay sool kiyo nikanda ||

Meaning: - Garud said to Supreme God Kabir Ji that O Supreme God! You have given naam-mantra of these gods only. This is their worship (pooja). You said that these gods possess only 16 skills (kalaas). Kaal has one thousand skills (kalaas). Purna Brahm (Complete God) is Supreme God with infinite skills (kalaas). You have also mentioned in the “Creation of Nature” that Kaal has stopped you. The three gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv ji are under the control of Kaal Brahm. O Supreme God! How can the Sahab (Master/Lord) be fearful of the Naib (subordinate)? That is, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv ji are only subordinates of Kaal Brahm. For example, a Naib Tehsildar is a junior Tehsildar. Then how will a senior be fearful of a junior? The meaning is that these gods are Naib of Kaal Brahm. You have given their way of worship; you have given their recitation-mantras. How would these Naibs be able to liberate us from their Sahab (Master – Kaal Brahm)? Then Supreme God Kabir Ji explained the difference between Pooja (worship) and Sadhna (religious practice) that if someone wants to eat the mango fruit, then mango is his venerable object. The effort made to obtain that venerable object is called Sadhna (religious practice). For example, one has to toil to obtain money. A mango fruit is bought with that money and then eaten. Similarly, Complete God is our venerable deity. The recitation of the mantras of the gods is our hard work (labour). By relinquishing the wealth of bhakti that we will obtain after the recitation of mantras to Kaal Brahm and by becoming debt-free, we will attain our venerable deity i.e. God Kabir (Kavirdev). On hearing this, Garud became very pleased. He also got the evidence of his guru being the Complete Guru because only a Complete Guru can resolve a doubt. Garud took initiation. Supreme God Kabir Ji had taken Garud in his refuge in Tretayug. Because of being the conveyance of Vishnu ji and because of repeatedly listening to his gradeur and seeing some miracles performed by Shri Vishnu ji, Garud ji’s faith in Guru ji reduced, but he did not become a Gurudrohi (traitor of Guru). In some life he will again obtain a human body; then Supreme God Kabir Ji will take the soul of Garud ji in his refuge and liberate him. After taking initiation, Garud ji decided to have a discussion on knowledge with Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv ji. Garud ji went to Brahma ji. He held a discussion with him.

“Garud’s Statement to Brahma”

Brahma kaha tum kaise aaye | kaho Garud mohe arthaay ||
Tab ham kaha suno niranjan poota | aaya tumhein jagaavan soota ||
Janm-maran ek jhanjhat bhaari | purna Moksh karaao tripurari ||

“Brahma’s Statement”

Hamra koyi nahin janm data | keval ek hamari mata ||
Pita hamara nirakar jaani | ham hain purna saarangpaani ||
Hamra maran kabahu nahin hovae | kaun agyan mein pakshi sovae ||
Tabahi Brahma vimaan mangava | Vishnu, Brahma ko turant bulava ||
Gaye vimaan dono pasa | pal mein aan viraaje pasa ||
Indra Kuber Varun bulaaye | tetis crore devta aaye ||
Aaye rishi muni aur naatha | siddh sadhak sab aa jata ||
Brahma kaha Garud neend mein bolae | kori jhooth kufar bahu tolae ||
Kah koyi aur hai sirjanhara | janm-maran bataavae hamara ||
Taatey main yeh majlis jodi | Garud ke man kya baataan daudi ||
Rishi muni anubhav batata | Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv vidhata ||
Nirgun sargun yehi ban jaavae | kabahu nahin maran maen aavae ||

“Vishnu’s Statement”

Pakshiraj yeh kya man mein aayi | paap lagae banaa aalochak bhaai ||
Hamse aur kaun badera data | hamhae karta aur chauthi mata ||
Tumri mati agyan harleeni | ham hain purna kartaar teeni ||

“Mahadev’s Statement”

Kah Mahadev pakshi hai bhola | hriday gyan in nahin tola ||
Brahma banaavae Vishnu paalae | ham sabka ka kartey kaalae ||
Aur bataa Garud agyani | rishi bataavae tum nahin maani ||
Chalo mata se poochae baata | nirnay karo kaun hai vidhata ||
Sabne kaha sahi hai baani | nirnay karegi mata raani ||
Sab uth gaye mata paasa | aapan samasya kari prakasha ||

“Mother’s Statement”

Kaha mata Garud batao | aur karta hai kaun samjhaao ||

“Garud’s Statement”

Maat tum jaanat ho saari | sachch bataa kahey nyaakari ||
Sabha mein jhoothi baat banaavae | vaka vansh samoola jaavae ||
Main suna aur aankhon dekha | karta avigat alag vishesha ||
Jahan se janm hua tumhara | vah hai sabka sarjanhara ||
Ved jaka nit gun gaavaen | keval vahi ek amar bataavae ||
Marhein Brahma Vishnu Naresha | mar hain sab Shankar Shesha ||
Amarpurush sat pur rehta | apne mukh satya gyaan vah kehta ||
Ved kahey vah prithivi par aavae | bhoole jeevan ko gyan batlaavae ||
Kya ye jhoothe shastra saare | tum vyarth ban baithe sirjanhaare ||
Maan badaayi chhodo bhaai | taaki bhakti karey amrapur jaai ||
Mata kehna saachi bata | bataao Devi hai kaun vidhata ||

“Mother’s (Durga) Statement”

Mata kah suno re poota | tum jogi teeno avdhoota ||
Bhakti kari naa malik paay | apne ko tum amar bataaye ||
Veh karta hai sabse nyara | ham tum sabka sirjanhara ||
Garud kahat hai sachchi baani | aise bachan kaha Mata raani ||
Sab uth gaye apne asthana | saach bachan kaahu nahin mana ||

“Garud’s Statement”

Brahma Vishnu mohe bulaya | Mahadev bhi vahan baith paya ||
Teeno kahey koyi do pramana | tab ham tohe sacha jana ||
Main kaha gunga gud khaavae | dujey ko swaad kya batlaavae ||
Main jaat hun Satguru pasa | la pramaan karu bhram vinasha ||
Tridev kahein lo pariksha hamari | purna karein teri asha saari ||
Hamhi maarein hamhi bachaavaen | ham rahat sadaa nirdaavain ||
Garud kaha ham karein pariksha | tum purna to loon tumhari deeksha ||
Uda vahan se Guru paasey aaya | sab vritaant kah sunaya ||

“Satguru’s (Kabir) Statement”

Garud suno bang desh ko jaao | Baalak marega kaho use bachaao ||
Din teen ki aayu shesha | karo jeevit Brahma Vishnu Mahesha ||
Fir ham paas aana bhai | ham baalak ko devaen jivaayi ||
Bang desh mein Garud gayo, baalak liya saath |
Trideva se arj kari, jeevan de baalak karo sunaath ||

“Tridev’s Statement”

Dharmraj par hai lekha sara | baasey jaane sab vichara ||
Garud aur baalak saarey | gaye Dharmraj darbaarey ||
Dharmraj se aayu jaani | din teen shesh bakhaani ||
Yaaki aayu badae naahin | mrityu ati niyade aayi ||
Tridev kahan aaye raakho laja | ham kya mukh dikhaavein Dharmraja ||
Dharm kah aapan aayu de bhaai | to baalak ki aayu bad jaayi ||
Chaley teeno na nahin paar basaayi | baney baithe the samrath raai ||
Sun Garud yeh satya hai bhaai | aayi mrityu na taali jaayi ||

“Garud’s Statement”

Samrath mein gun aisa bataya | aayu badaave aur amar karvaya ||
Ab main jaaun Samrath paasa | baalak bachne ki poori aasha ||
Gaya Garud Kabir ki sharna | daya karo ho Sahib jarna (faith) ||

“Kabir Sahab’s Statement”

Suno Garud ek amar baani | yeh amrit le baalak pilaani ||
Jeevae baalak umar bad jaavae | jag bichre baalak nirdaavae ||
Baalak lana mere paasa | naam daan kar Kaal vinasha ||
Jaisa kaha Garud ne keenha | baalak kun ja amrit deena ||
Le baalak turant hi aaye | Satguru se deeksha paaye ||
Aashirvad diya Satguru Swami | daya kari Prabhu antaryami ||
Badla Dharmraj ka lekha | Brahma Vishnu Shiv aankhon dekha ||
Gaye fir Dharmraj darbara | lekha fir dikhaau tumhara ||
Dharmraj jab khata khola | achraj dekh mukh se bola ||
Parmeshwar ka yeh khel nirala | uska kya karat hai kala ||
Vo samrath raakhanhara | vaney lekh badal diya sara ||
Sau varsh yeh baalak jeevae | bhakti gyaan sudha ras peevae ||
Yeh bhi lekh isi ke maahin | aankhon dekho jhoothi naahin ||
Dekha lekha teeno deva | acharaj huya kahun kya bheva ||
Boley Brahma Vishnu Mahesha | Param Purush hai koyi vishesha ||
Jo chaahe vah Malik karsi | vaaki sharan fir kaise marsi ||
Pakshiraj tum saachey paaye | naahak ham magaj pachaaye ||
Karo tum jo maan man tera | tumahara Garud bhaag badera ||
Purna Brahm Avinaashi data | sachch mein hai koyi aur Vidhata ||
Itna keh gaye apne dhama | Garud aur baalak kari pranama ||
Bhakti kari baalak chit laayi | Garud aru baalak bhaye Guru bhaai ||
Dharmdas yeh Garud ko bodha | ek-ek vachan kaha main sodha ||